Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> February 8, 1999

Georges-christian Chazot – Eurotunnel Plc (etc.l)

GEORGESCHRISTIAN CHAZOT is Group Managing Director of Eurotunnel. He was educated in France (Ecole Polytechnique 1958-60) and in the USA (University of Florida MSEE 1964, IMI Harvard 1972). After 14 years with Schlumberger in various technical (electronics), commercial and managerial positions, 15 years with Alcatel-Alsthom where he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SAFT then Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alcatel Business Systems and an Alcatel Vice President, and 2 years as Chairman and Chief Executive of Adia France, Georges ' Christian Chazot is Group Managing Director of Eurotunnel which he joined in January 1994. He is a Vice-President of the French Chamber Of Commerce of Great Britain and non executive director of the non profit Franco ' Japanese Sasakawa Foundation. He has been previously director of many subsidiaries of SAFT and Alcatel in the five continents, of the Strategic Planning Institute (Boston, USA), of ACTIM (a French international governmental agency), of Peat Marwick Consultants and member of the Advisory Council of the World Economic Forum (Davos, CH). He became Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur in 1990, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Transport in 1995 and Officier dans l' Ordre National du Merite in 1996. Georges-Christian Chazot is 58 and is married with three adult children. A yachtsman, he owns a house by the sea in Ile aux Moines (French Brittany). (GAA024)(12977) Profile
TWST: If you would, give us just a quick overview, a bit of a historical

background on Eurotunnel, enough information about the company and about

the business to put us into context for today.