Technology >> CEO Interviews >> January 13, 2003

Francis Desouza – Imlogic Inc

FRANCIS deSOUZA is Chief Executive Officer of IMlogic, Inc. He is a respected veteran of instant messaging with a history of successfully bringing products to market in startups and large organizations. Prior to founding IMlogic, he ran Microsoft's Real-time Collaboration Group where he was responsible for the Exchange 2000 IM server, the Exchange Chat Server, the Exchange Conferencing Server and NetMeeting. At Microsoft he was awarded the Leadership Gold Star for 'exceptional leadership ability and potential.' Before Microsoft, he was the co-founder and CEO of Flash Communications, a provider of a patented federated instant messaging client/server product (the world's first) for the enterprise market. Flash was acquired by Microsoft in 1998. Mr. deSouza has his SB and SM from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Profile
TWST: We'd like to begin with a brief historical sketch of

IMlogic, Inc., and then a picture of the company as it is now.

Mr. deSouza: IMlogic, based in Boston, was started in 2001 with
