Technology >> CEO Interviews >> September 6, 1999

Christopher M. Carnavos – Gse Systems Inc (gvp)

CHRISTOPHER M. CARNAVOS is the President and CEO of GSE Systems, Inc., a public company engaged in providing solutions to industry using computer-based simulation and controls technology and engineering services. His 26-year career began at Taylor Instrument Company, where he started as an Engineer in 1973 and was promoted several times, first to Systems Marketing Executive, then Manager of Computer Systems Marketing and in 1979, Manager, Worldwide Training. Other executive positions followed: Manager, Chemical Industries Marketing (1981-1982) at Bailey Controls; Manager, Product Planning and Market Development, then became Director, Product Development and in 1984 Vice President, Marketing and Sales at Anatec; Food and Beverage Industry Market Manager (1986-1987), Chemical Industry Marketing Manager (1987-1989) at Digital Equipment Corporation; Vice President U.S. Sales & Service, Bailey Controls Company (1989-1990); Vice President, Process Automation for Global Chemical Process Industries (1990-1992) and President, Kent- Taylor Inc. (1992-1993, these in connection with ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) (1990-1993); Vice President and General Manager, Johnson Yokogawa Corporation (1993-1996). Mr. Carnavos has both a BS and an ME degree in Chemical Engineering, Renselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is married and has three children. Profile
TWST: Let's start with a bit of a background profile on GSE, enough

information to put us into perspective and then also to describe what

you see as your business and what you see as your company