General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> May 14, 2001

Charles De Vaulx – First Eagle Sogen Funds

CHARLES DE VAULX is Senior Vice President of Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Advisers, Inc. and Co-Portfolio Manager of the First Eagle Family of Funds. A native of France, he graduated from the cole Suprior de Commerce de Rouen and holds the French equivalent of a Master's degree in Finance. In 1985 Mr. de Vaulx joined Socit Gnrale, one of France's major banks. After two years as a credit analyst he became a securities analyst for the original SoGen International Fund. In 1999, the SoGen Funds were acquired by Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder and subsequently named the First Eagle SoGen Funds and as of December 31, 2002, the First Eagle Funds. Mr. de Vaulx is the co-manager of the First Eagle Global, Overseas, U.S. Value, and Gold Funds. He has been a featured speaker at the annual Morningstar Mutual Fund Conference, the Atlanta Investment Conference and is a frequent participant at regional financial symposiums. Profile
TWST: First of all, tell us something about the First Eagle SoGen Funds

and its investment advisor, Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Inc.

Mr. de Vaulx: For many years, our team was part of Societe