Natural Resources >> CEO Interviews >> April 1, 1998

Andre Gaumond – Virginia Gold Mines Inc (via)

ANDRE GAUMOND is President & CEO of Virginia Gold Mines Inc., a director and major shareholder. A graduate geological engineer of Laval University, he went on the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal to obtain an M.Sc., in Economic Geology. From 1981 to 1987, Mr. Gaumond worked as a consultant for various firms, including Noranda, SOQUEM, Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. And Tertiary Consultants Inc. From 1987 to 1989, he was mining analyst in charge of Corporate Finance for various financial institutions, namely Pemberton Securities Inc., Saumier Morrison and Midland Walywyn Capital. In 1989, he joined Corpormin Management Inc., as a technical and financial advisor. Since 1992, Mr. Gaumond is president and director of Virginia Gold Mines and sits on the board of several junior companies since January 1993. In 1995, Mr. Gaumond was appointed President of the Quebec Prospectors Association, a position he held for a year. In 1996, he was awarded the title of Prospector of the Year. Profile
TWST: Give us a brief summary, a bit of a thumbnail sketch on your

company, Virginia Gold Mines. And then, if you would, from your

viewpoint, what are the challenges and the opportunities for