Marvin Samson

MARVIN SAMSON was elected President and Chief Executive Officer
of Sicor Inc. in September 2001 and has been one of its Directors
since September 2000. He is a world-renowned leader in injectable
manufacturing and delivery systems, and was a Founder, President
and Chief Executive Officer of Elkins-Sinn, Inc. (now ESI-
Lederle) and Marsam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He is the Founder and
Chief Executive Officer of Samson Medical Technologies, LLC, a
privately held company providing hospital and alternative site
pharmacists with injectable drug delivery systems and programs.
In addition to his executive roles, Mr. Samson has been an
outstanding advocate for the generic drug industry, serving
several years as the Chairman of the Generic Pharmaceutical
Industry Association. Mr. Samson is the holder of five US patents
pertaining to pharmaceutical manufacturing and has served on
several pharmaceutical boards.

Related Interviews:

Marvin Samson - Sicor Inc (scri)
November 01, 2002

Marvin Samson - Sicor Inc (scri)
September 13, 2002