Claire Derome

CLAIRE DEROME founded McWatters Mining Inc. in 1994 and has
occupied the position of President and Chief Executive Officer
since that time. Ms. Derome is also on the Board of Directors of
the Gold Institute and the Canadian Mining Association of Canada.
A Geologist by training, she also holds a Master’s degree in
Education. Over the past 21 years, she has acquired a great deal
of experience in the mining industry, working as a geologist, a
researcher in professional training related to the mining sector,
and in exploration as Vice President and Director of small
companies listed on the exchange. Between 1984 and 1992, she also
founded and managed a private business specializing in computer
and computer graphic services.

Related Interviews:

Claire Derome - Mcwatters Mining Inc (mwa:tse)
December 23, 2002