General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> May 11, 2012

Capital Preservation for Religious-Based SRI

Leylegian, George A.
George A. Leylegian is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the firm, Treasurer of the Corporation, and Chairman of the Board of Directors. George received his Master's Degree from the University of San Francisco and his Bachelor's Degree from Claremont McKenna College. His academic background includes economics, finance, investments, and legal compliance. In addition to his corporate-related examinations and credentials, George has completed his doctoral studies in theology. He is a regular member of the Association for Investment Management and Research, the Security Analysts Society of San Francisco, and is an active member of the board of directors for several religious institutions throughout the world. Profile
TWST: Please tell me about the company a little bit. How did it start?

Mr. Leylegian: Leylegian Investment Management, Inc., was founded in 1981 by our parents Dorothy and Jack